Ive been working as PR and Communications director for RaceSL , lots of talking and not enough deals landed, but always hopefull to find new people interested in RaceSL on any level .
Have been talking to SLCN some about broadcasting RaceSL , but for various reasons this has not quite worked out, always a chance in the future though .
Hoping to have Slodcast film our upcoming FormulaSL season 2 , one possibility is streaming it live to several places holding events for the broadcast, more news on this soon, gonna have raffles and races will be commentated, adding color and making it easier to follow, hehe its always nice to know whats going on . =p
Spring 2008 season of SLASCAR has come to a close , and i managed to defend my Super Stock title with another championship in that class. Jafo won the Baby Grand and Dirt Modified divisions , Quick Gazov took home Midnight Madness championship and Holden Sanders won Pure Stock division title . Grats to all racing , it was alot of fun and looking up with Havok 4 live now .
Next up for SLASCAR will be the big Summer season , and it is promising to be very competitive and close , Archer Racing (Jafo and me ) have signed on to race as part of the MAS racing team as the MAS/ Archer team in SLASCAR .
But even bigger news is tonite we finalized deal with MAS Racing as a major sponsor this season of FormulaSL for us. The team will also be called MAS/ Archer Racing , and we will be including 3 RL Lexus dealerships as part of our sponsor family, which already includes, Musashi-Do, Club Genesis and E.Watkins Equestrian.
Also been sailing my Beach Cat catamaran some when i find time , lots of fun . Went to the Dive Dive sim i read about in Dinee's blog, very pretty and cool. Penguins up 2 games vs Ottawa hehe . go Pens .
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